Thursday, November 08, 2007

Bookcrossing Update

I finally got around to putting one of those stickers in one of the books I have listed on -- this one is Attachment Parenting by Katie Allison Granju and Betsy Kennedy. It took me five minutes to do this and yet I procrastinated for...wait, let me check the original post on Bookcrossing...eight months. It was March when I originally posted about Bookcrossing.

Now my only question is, where do I find the drop-off point? I'm using the Library West one and for the life of me cannot find it. I emailed fiberlibrarian about this so I should hear something soon. Besides feeling like an idiot, I'm now going to be late with the drop-off time. Will update more on this.


Unknown said...

All procrastination aside, we still love you:) Its hard to find the time with everyone's busy day...everyone can related to, kids, kids post school activities, church, spouses, friends, parties....but you need YOU time and if you like reading, reserve part of that for BookCrossing:)
CEO BookCrossing

Mistressmybae said...

That's so cool -- thanks, Scott! It's true -- we all need "me" time, don't we? Or is it "you" time? I'm getting my object pronouns mixed-up.