Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday Open Thread

Haha, I've always wanted to say "open thread" on AE; I have a feeling that's going to take a few more years, however.  Anyway, here's an "open thread" for anyone who wants to post their Black Friday Tales of Terror, if you chose to venture into the mall or big box store this day, or linkys to news stories from your part of the world.  I'll be in an out and will do my best to update and moderate comments as quickly as I can :)

Update:  Well, so much for open threads!  I can only hope that this means there were no Black Friday tragedies this year but lord knows I will be combing the internets looking for them if only to satisfy my vicarious need for these stories to show how awful Black Friday is.

In the meantime, here is a picture of an alligator we took while the fams rode bikes to campus look for alligators.  This was one found in Graham Pond, just next to the intersection of Gale Lemerand and Museum Rd.

And here's a baby gator we found next to Lake Alice:

I cross-posted this at my other, even more neglected blog, Jorts!™ The Official Blog of Gainesville™.  Have a great weekend, everyone!

1 comment:

Not So Simply Single said...

I hate alligators...UGH