Friday, August 04, 2006

The World's Healthiest Foods

Okay, here's the site that everyone should be going to:

The World's Healthiest Foods

And then when you're done exploring this great site, buy the book which is about the size and weight of the Cleveland Yellow Pages. I saw it today during a playdate at "B's" house and witnessed its hugeiosity and found out that, get this, it is not organized a-z foods but by which foods are most nutritionally dense. Can you dig it? So things like mushrooms and olives come before things like rutabagas and carrots. It also has a groovy section on what "organic" means for fruits and vegetables as well as for meat.


Tamara Wallace Ramirez said...

Hi, Michelle! My name is Tamara. I’m new to your blog (and new to doing some blogging myself) but have a long-time interest in environmental issues. Like you, I’m also a graduate student. Recently, I’ve been thinking about how the internet - especially blogs - can be a place for telling personal stories that are also forms of environmental activism. I was hoping I could draw on your expertise in this area for a post that I’m working on for my blog. If it’s ok, I’d love to (virtually) talk with you a bit about your experience with creating and posting to this blog and then share our conversation through a link on my blog at I’m hoping to gather some insights about what it means to share personal stories with an activist dimension online from people who have more expertise in this area than I do. I just started blogging recently for a Visual Research Methods class I’m taking, and I chose to pursue my interest in this topic as part of a project for this class.

One of the things that really interests me about your blog is that it is both personal, because it’s about your own life and own experiences, and political, because it advocates green living. Maybe this is a chicken-and-egg question, but I’m wondering what role each of those aspects of the blog played in your decision to start it up. Was it more a personal experiment - a way to investigate and shape your own ideas about certain environmental issues? Or, were you already committed to a certain set of environmental values and began blogging as a way to raise awareness about them? Some of both? Neither? Has this changed over time?

I also wanted to ask you about the audience for your blog. When you post, who is it you primarily write for? Is it people you know off-line, or is it mainly for an online community? Is there a particular activist community that you’ve communicated with through your blog? How does their feedback shape your experience with the blog? How does the blog form (short posts, links, pictures) shape your decisions about what to include on the blog?

Finally, what do you most appreciate about the experience of blogging, personally? What influence that you hope your blog will have on others?

Thanks very much for the work you do on your blog and for considering this invitation to share your perspective on these questions. Any thoughts you have would be very greatly appreciated!

All the best,
Tamara Ramirez

Mistressmybae said...

Hi Tamara! Wow, this is an old post! I appreciate your questions and will try to answer as best I can :)

I originally started the blog as a thing to do with two of my friends but they fizzled out rather quickly on the project and I decided that I liked it enough to keep going. I have a philosophy about living green and that's what I try to express in the blog - it's a philosophy of balance and moderation in all things environmental. People can get extreme about environmental issues and I hope that by being kind of middle of the road about it that more people will adopt green behaviors.

I post mostly for myself - I think maybe 5 people read this blog at any point and time so if I don't like what I'm blogging about I can't expect other to like it, either. I always appreciate the opportunity to talk to people who read the blog, though, which is why I'm commenting on a 5 year-old piece!

I like the freedom of blogging - I am commander of this blog ship! I also like meeting other folks like yourself who share the same goals about the environment and about being humans on this earth.

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to clarify my positions and feel free to email me at if you have further questions - in the meantime, I'll put your blog on my blogroll :)