Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Delicious G is in the Haus! Hooray! We have a new blogger in the eco-blogosphereosystem! Girlfriend, this blog is your blog. Now, if Edna would get here...


Mistressmybae said...

You know, I thought that signing in stuff was kind of gnarly -- If I have to "sign in" or "register" I'm, like, gone, daddy-o. And, what IS "comment bitchery?" Please define. Is it when people get into stupid flame wars? Well, if people have to sign in maybe it will be a deterrrant to all of the 15-yr olds who are looking for juice on the blog streets.

You are so right about a glossary of terms! We need more lingo. I was hoping Edna would step in and define "accidental environmmentalism" for us since she did come up with it. I think it basically means when you are environmentally sensitive because of circumstances rather than concerted effort. Like, you own a car but choose to ride your bike because you know it will help improve pollution levels. But, if you own a car but don't have enough money to buy gas for it so you ride your bike instead, that's accidental environmentalism. So, in summary, accidental environmentalists are people who don't really aspire to be environmentalists so much as are steered in that direction. But, I also think "environment" should be a little more broadly defined to include things like media environment. What do you think? Let's discuss!

Mistressmybae said...

You and your wiki -- okay, I'll check it out tonight and see what this is all about.

Hey, did you notice that you no longer have to sign in to post? You know how that happened? That was me.

I am totally in agreement with the choice to make your own HABA or buy or barter from someone who makes it. It's easier to get more of a variety of the kind of smells you like (shampoo doesn't always have to make your hair smell like a Jolly Rancher), and in the long-run it saves money. I also agree with not having the product-speak up in your grill while just looking around your bathroom for a clean towel. I'm also totally for not adding packaging to landfills -- if you can re-use the packaging for something else more power to you, I say. And not going into WalWart for your HABA is a vast improvement in quality of life.