Saturday, November 28, 2009

Need-a-Bag Project Update 11.28.09 -- Happy Thanksgiving Edition!

Note: The Need-a-Bag? project was created to promote sustainable bagging at the Hwy 441 Alachua County Farmer's Market each Saturday morning. We supply reusable tote bags reclaimed from thrift stores and garage sales. The Need-a-Bag? project also utilizes old tank tops as tote bags by sewing up the bottoms (these are called t-totes). We invite you to read the other posts on the project by clicking the "Need-a-Bag? Project" label at the bottom of this post.

It was a great Thanksgiving at the various Need-a-Bag? Project enclaves, but that doesn't mean the project takes a break! No sir, we were there bright and early this morning -- with no bags, but there were still quite a number left-over from the Sustainability Festival oh, so long ago. Dang, that reminds me, I have to post about that festival, even through it's been over a month. I have been so lame about posting, but I want to give a shout-out to Layla, our Slovenia correspondent at the AE, as she comments on sustainability behind the iron curtain -- wait, does Slovenia have an iron curtain? Don't ask me, I read The Gainesville Sun (haha, a little in-joke for the olds reading this)! Anyway, she left some great comments on my latest rant about the Krishna Lunch cards, and I hope she will not be deterred from continued commenting because of my complete lameness on not posting more regularly, especially since she's one of probably five people who read this blog without being strong-armed (you know who you are).

Anyway, a little update on our labeling activities with the Need-a-Bag? project: We have started NOT labeling some of the bags. That's right, these bags have fallen from the wide-sweeping scope of our bag procurements -- left by great, noble, anonymous (probably Jean) donors, that look clean, smell clean, and just deserve to be left hanging. Okay, we're honestly too lazy to collect them and wash them, but from now on, be warned: Bags that do not have the Need-a-Bag? Project label with verbiage and url for this blog are outside of our jurisdiction. So, you will see bags, as in the photo on the right, that have no labels and ones that do. The bags with no labels are not sanctioned by the Need-a-Bag? project, as in, they have not been washed and dried by our hands to ensure the cleanest possible tote for your shopping needs. That does not mean the unlabeled ones are not safe to use, as they have passed a cursory inspection (looking, sniffing, see above), but the Need-a-Bag? project will not be held liable for any lurking dust bunnies or hair balls we did not detect. This ends the legal mumbo-jumbo.

The only thing I've been stocking up on are pecans, which are easy to freeze and use in recipes as needed. I have so many bags right now, however, I might need to make a pecan pie, or try making one of DG's fabulous pecan, no flour, crusts. Take that, carbs!


Layla said...

Love these bags!!

lol about the legal disclaimers & legalities! :)

I'm hoping to start a cloth bag initiative locally, with local girl and boy scouts handing them out in front of supermarkets or such? - haven't thought of any legal disclaimers or washing the bags, lol!
Did you always wash the bags before handing them on? Wow! (Probably good idea, especially if it's from old fabrics that have been in closets for a few years..?:) Or did you wash fabrics first, if they were made from scratch? (Hmm, are any made from scratch apart from T-shirts?)
Did you limit any fabrics/materials used?
(Sorry for so many questions, I think I need to read your archives too!:)

Thanks for the shout-out! :)
lol We're not behind the iron curtain!! (anymore he he) We used to be the 'tampon zone' between capitalist West and communist Russia and their pawns - slightly more liberal than say, Czechoslovakia in their most oppressive years!) Now it's rampant capitalism and materialism!! :( Which of course, we wish to counter with eco-stylishness!! :)

Aww, you are so lucky to have pecans!! :)

More people need to read this blog!! I totally LOVE the idea of it - that being eco is actually EASIER!! :)

Layla said...

Ohh & I forgot to say: Happy Thanksgiving! (we don't have it here!)

And looking forward to read about Sustainability Festival - sounds exciting!!
( I wish we had them too!!)

Nom, nom, nom! said...

Hi, Layla,

We've never made a single bag from scratch, but a couple of times we've put out what's obviously somebody's home ec. project, sometimes with the person's name on it in sparkle paint and, like, a kitten appliqued on it. I like rescuing these ones from thrift store oblivion because I remember being twelve and making a tote bag in home ec., and it was no picnic. Plus this was back in the miserable, unfunded 1970s when the public schools didn't invest in sparkle paint and if you wanted an appliqued kitten you had to DIY it on your own time. Imagine struggling over a steaming hot sewing machine all those hours to create a beautiful, personalized objet d'art, only to have your mom spirit it into a thrift store the second you leave home for college! I am glad we at Need-a-Bag? started the "Totebag Spotlight" program to finally give these tweencrafted home ec. totes the recognition they deserve.

That is such a genius idea to have the scouts hand them out in front of stores. Please let us know how it goes!