Tuesday, December 19, 2006

End of the Year Busyness

Passings and Goings, or Something Like That
After conversing with Delicious G about the blog, she has come to the conclusion that she has greener pastures to sow, or whatever. Something like that. And indeed she does. She has expressed her continued hope that people will not use the grocery store to buy the necessities of life, and I will endeavor to keep that thread of discussion alive in future posts.
Sigh. That's how it is with blogs. "Hey, gang," you say brightly one boring summer day. "Let's all get together and put together a blog!" And everyone goes, "Yay! Let's do it!" and you are all excited for about 2 weeks and then the person who originally came up with the idea and, ultimately, most wanted to put together a blog in the first place, ends up taking it over or abandoning it completely.
Am I bitter? No, actually I'm not. I came up with the idea to do a blog about environmental living and played around with the idea for months. It was actually getting the support from friends to set up the blog and start posting that was the most valuable. DG was a good friend for helping me get AE off to a great start! Edna was a good friend for coming up with the name of the blog and letting me use it!
So, as the year draws to a close I hope that this finds all my friends and family well and safe and in the appropriate spirit for their chosen spiritual holiday.

Changing from Old Blogger to Beta
While complaining about how I didn't have enough time to blog on AE because of health, school, and hearth, I created a new blog. You can visit it here, but it isn't as extensive as AE and probably won't be, for the most part. It just satisfies my other obsession, Saturday morning cartoons, and alleviates some of the guilt of foisting all of this junky TV on my son by making light of it.
Anyway, when I started SMC I chose to do it in Beta, and this has been a good choice and am now planning on switching AE to the same because of the labeling function, blah, blah, blah. This has anxious-making implications, especially if I lose everything! Well, if Buddhism has taught me anything, it's taught me non-attachment thinking. Kind of. So, I'm going to try changing over. This is as good a time as any and if it all disappears, so be it. I'll start again. It's fun and will give me more incentive to start using my web real estate and set up online digs with BellyShout.com (Doug is a great guy for hosting, by the way). Wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

This is not germain or however you spell it, and it's more of a blog entry than a comment, but on NPR this AM somebody compared the TSA to Caligula, and I thought, OMG, Caligula! That's exactly perfect.

People have been yammering for years now about how life in the US under W's administration is like life in Rome right before the fall of the empire. The whole rampaging around the globe eating up other countries thing and the thing about the US being a monstrous draconian police state--all that has been chatted threadbare. What we're not talking about is the eerie similarities with regard to revelries up at the palace. Late night pretzel chokefests; Jeff "the cannon" Gannon, the bee-stung boy whitehouse correspondent; romps with the pages; Cheney et al getting plastered and going buck wild with their rifles--my God, it's a big bloody sex party, just like ancient Rome, where, ac. to IMDB's commentary on Bob Guccione's fine film on the subject, they were "so used to perversity that a few people romping in a corner was just not a big deal... Same can be said about the gore and violence."

So let's get going on the CALIGULA meme!

Every time Bush or one of his cronies gets a mention in the media, we all should get popeyed with fear and yell, "Caligulaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" and cross ourselves ostentatiously. This will resonate better with on-the-fencers than "Bush lied, People died," or whatever complicated bullcrap we were yelling back in 2004.

Mistressmybae said...

You know, the comment from "Anon." brings up a subject that I've been struggling with in regards to AE. I've tried to keep my own views about govmint and especially about the present administration out of the blog, BUT... you cannot have a discussion about the environment WITHOUT talking about the above two. And a Caligula meme is just what Santa's ordered, I think!
And like the ancient Romans who were driving themselves insane with lead piping (let's not make THAT mistake again) we're driving ourselves nuts through our mental and physical environment, not to mention whatever chemicals we're stuffing into our systems through drinking water and from our pharmacy.