Sunday, January 01, 2012

Happy New Year!

Oh God.  Please, no.
Aw crap, I forgot to do my new year's post about resolutions and such!  Okay, here's my short list of eco resolutions for 2012:

  • Not let my compost rot in my kitchen and then in my carport (I was being so good and then got lazy again)
  • Find a composting system that works - like getting something that won't spawn anaerobic gas monsters in my kitchen
  • Lose more stuff so I have less stuff
  • Go to the Co-op and Ward's more and shop at Publix less
...and a bunch of other stuff I haven't come up with but will in the coming months.

Did anyone watch Dick Clark's Rockin' New Year's?  I refuse to acknowledge Ryan Seacrest as the Dick Clark of the New Millennium.

Anyway, thanks for continuing to read and friend and comment and follow this blog - I really do enjoy your input and hope we can continue the great conversation for 2012!

Got the photo of Dick Clark and his nemesis from Shopping Blog.


Unknown said...

Lose more stuff so I have less stuff! haha love it

Mistressmybae said...

Redundant, but it makes sense :)

Stephanie Larson said...

Love your 2012 list! Your blog is also very cool & informative.

You can make a difference when u shop on Yardsellr. You can buy new items, recycled items, and sell for FREE. Keep the landfills low. ;)

Here is the link if you haven't joined yet: