Tuesday, March 09, 2010


I don't usually like taking solicited requests for reviews of any kind, but I got an email from Nicole, at Ecofreek.com, who asked for a review. My only criteria for non-annoying eco-friendly websites is that they not have ads. Ecofreek had one ad, for Reverend Billy and the Church of Life After Shopping (I think it used to be Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping, but whatever) and that was it.

It's a search engine, so you can put in any search term (I used "co-op" because, praise be, the Citizen's Co-op has finally got a storefront [but more on that later]). Not much in Florida, except a free pigeon coop, but if you choose an anywhere search you get stuff being given away as well as links to forums where people are discussing "coops." I'll have to remember to use it the next time I'm doing research for a blog post!

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