Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Reel Mower (squeaky video)

Went out to mow the lawn today and wanted to demonstrate in some way the satisfaction of using a reel mower.  My mower is squeaky and loud, but I can still listen to my iPod while mowing and look!  There is nothing more satisfying than watching blades of grass flip out of the reel as it gets cut.  My lawn (what there is of one) is not showplace-grade, but it's short enough so the neighbors don't stare balefully at me as I wave past them.  I can also mow the yard wearing my hippie Birkies and don't have to worry about getting a toe taken off.


  1. Yay vblogging! I have a reel mower and use it often. I confess that some days I drag out the gas mower if I'm especially tired and the grass is thick. My yard isn't large, but seems like it when I'm mowing. I wish I could rototill the whole yard and plant perennials, vegetables and sunflowers instead.

    Six years ago, reactions to my reel mower were a lot different. For example, a chubby kid made a rude comment about me being poor because I was using a reel mower. This year, people compliment me on it and tell me how they used one as a kid. Things certainly have changed over the years!

  2. My neighbors down the street have the right idea - they planted a ton of orange trees and have an immense crop every year. And what are they going to mow? Mulch? I noticed about a month ago that some new neighbors who moved in down the street use a reel mower, too! Next time I see that neighbor with her reel mower I'm going to get a photo!

    We just got a new power mower from the in-laws, but since I'm the only one who mows right now I default to the reel mower (the gas mowers scare the crap out of me). I think we started it up once when we got it but it's been sitting in the shed ever since.

    If the grass gets long, I go over it once, wait a day, and then go over again - that seems to help.
