Sunday, August 14, 2011

I'm Good, not Great

I'm referring to GRU's report card or whatever it is - wait, let me put up the scan I took of a past report from about May or June, right before the dog days of summer started cracking down.  Oh, wait a second, got to erase my info, first.  Dang, SumoPaint isn't working, so I put this festive USA America flag over my name and address info.  Anyway, if you click on the photo to embiggen it you can see that our family's energy usage within a 100-neighbor sample is in between the most efficient and least efficient households.  I like how they don't refer to the least efficient as such, but rather "All Neighbors," which is very diplomatic of GRU.  So, it breaks down that we used 27% more energy than our efficient neighbors between 5/3/11 and 06/1/11 and 9% more over a 12-month period.  I think one of the Home Energy Reports for us was a "Great" once, but it was probably during the winter months when we don't run the heat that much and layer our clothing.  Looking forward to seeing how we're doing by the end of the summer because that'll be a hoot.


  1. How cool is that? I can log onto my electricity provider's website and see my monthly usage, but nothing more than that. I'm one of the average users (even though I don't use a clothes dryer), because of an old 1950s refrigerator and a relatively new dehumidifier in the basement. We can't unplug the fridge unless we remove the door to it, so I guess I have to start using it. (Guess I ought to stock up on some seasonal veggies.)

  2. Haha, our house came with a washer and dryer from, I think, the Nixon administration. Does it have a big freezer? That would be great for picking up extras on supermarket specials. Or, you could turn it into a keggerator :)

  3. So, how are those "mini golf courses our family visits around Florida" energy uses going?

    It's no wonder people don't take environmentalists seriously. We go forth, we multiply, we dominate...but that's OK, because we're all upset about the issue and count things and say we were bad!
